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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Branding Tip 2


Where is your ideal client looking for you?

Get in front of your ideal potential client.

Build your realistic Marketing Strategy.

Create your digital footprint.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Branding Tip 1


What do you want to be known for?

3 characteristics that represent your brand

What makes you different than your competitor?

Decide your brand pillars & mission

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Why Is Social Presence Important?


Marketing Your Brand

Utilizing Social Media channels is free marketing that anyone and everyone can take advantage of for their business. You have the opportunity for endless reach for $0 out of your pocket.

Attention & Distractions

In the 21st century, this is where attention is, on our phones and apps. If you want to broaden and grow your client base, you need to be where they're already looking.

Build Connection

Social media can help you nurture, grow and build your audience, potential and current clients.

The Evolution

The reality is social media in this digital age isn't going anywhere, if you choose to ignore the digital push, you're missing out on endless opportunities. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

How to Build Your Branding


Your branding is crucial to your business and it's the first impression you have with your potential clients on the market. 

What channels can you integrate into your Marketing Strategy?

Social Media, Email Marketing, Video Content, Online, YouTube, LinkedIn and Text Messaging Marketing. 

Your ideal potential client decides where you should be placing your marketing focus

Monday, February 27, 2023

Smart Medical News:

If you or anybody you know have some high priced medications, this may be of interest to you.

Everyone's situation is different. But, the costs can become a huge concern when it comes to matters of health. What if you don't have insurance? Paying full-price for prescription medications can become extremely stressful. 

This service is being offered to individuals and businesses, etc.

It's a monthly subscription that makes 600+ of the most common prescriptions... free to you. That means 93% of all scripts filled in the US will be free to you and receive deep discounts on many the rest.

I believe it's worth checking into for some of you. I will be spreading the word. Keep family members and friends in mind.

Larry Potter