The negotiating imbalance continues to grow in favor of the payers. One 2023 analysis found the market-leading insurer in the least competitive insurance markets pays 15 percent less to hospitals than the market-leading insurer in the most competitive markets, for example. Negotiated rates are just one part of the problem hospitals face amid growing payer power, along with denials and reimbursement policies that make a growing portion of payment slow, costly and inconsistent. At the same time, payers are finding the world more difficult in terms of profitability than they were. The most advantageous payers are a mix of payers and providers.
Well, over 1000 hospitals have turned to the underpayment recovery platform with no upfront fees.
The minimum considered is $2M from a hospital's or medical center's top three insurers. A simple call will get the process started on accounts that have been basically written off!!
Larry G. Potter
Senior Underpayment Recovery Advisor
Text: 1-847-872-4047