
Highly Recommended by Locals On Alignable

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Despite patients having insurance coverage, payment isn't guaranteed.

Insurance denials and mechanisms to limit payment are increasing and often overlooked when we talk about health insurance coverage or agreed-upon reimbursement rates.

Insurers' denial of payment was once reserved for a small portion of expensive treatments but is now a common occurrence for ordinary medical care. Denials are exacerbated by payers' use of artificial intelligence, resulting in faster and less reasoned decisions that often lack clear explanations. 

One analysis found about 1/3 of inpatient and outpatient claims submitted by providers to commercial payers went unpaid for more than 90 days throughout the first three months of 2023. In some cases, payment can take years!

The underpayment recovery platform for hospitals will go back two years and clients can expect to see the recovered funds in their accounts within 2 months!!

Larry G. Potter

Senior Underpayment Recovery Advisor

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Healthcare workers in search of new jobs may want to head to Houston.

Glassdoor’s 2024 Best Places to Work list, which was released in January and comprises 100 companies across a variety of industries, included just three hospitals—MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Methodist, and Texas Children’s—and they’re all located in Houston’s Texas Medical Center. 

Experts say the combination of world-class medical facilities and competitive employee benefits make Houston one of the best cities for healthcare professionals to live in and work. 

Larry G. Potter

Senior Underpayment Recovery Advisor

Text: 1-847-872-4047

Friday, March 1, 2024

Large Accounts Elephant Hunting


In sales, the term "elephant hunting" is typically reserved for a salesperson that ONLY goes after HUGE deals.

Growing a business is a challenge and some dream of that one "Elephant" client that will make it all worthwhile. However, we need to ask the question:

Does it make sense for you to direct all of your attention and energy on a few big accounts? 

- OR -

Does it seem like a better use of your time, energy and attention to go after multiple small to medium sized accounts to expand your business?

In our experience, when you are constantly hunting elephants what you find is that you end up with nothing at all, except many missed opportunities.  

Elephants have their place, and if you are allowing yourself to NOT throw everything into hunting for the one big deal, you will save yourself immeasurable frustration, be more motivating to your team, put a number of wins on the board and substantially reduce risk to your business.

Larry Potter

Senior Advisor

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why should my business look for specialized tax incentives?

Well, a few key reasons a business may want to look into specialized tax incentives include:

Save money - There are many federal, state, and local tax incentives aimed at supporting certain business activities like investing in R&D, renewable energy, hiring veterans or workers in distressed areas, etc. Taking advantage of relevant incentives can reduce a company's overall tax burden.

Support business growth - Some tax incentives are designed to promote business investment, hiring, expansion into new markets, export activity, and other strategic goals. The savings enabled by the incentives can be reinvested to fuel growth.

Level the playing field - In some industries, tax incentives are commonly utilized. Finding applicable tax breaks can help keep a business competitive with others in the same sector that are receiving benefits.

Bring societal benefits - Many place-based, green energy, and workforce tax credits aim to drive positive economic and social outcomes on top of business savings. Utilizing these can enable a company to do good while also supporting its bottom line.

Take advantage of opportunities - With federal, state, county, and city business tax incentives out there, there are often multiple programs that could potentially benefit a given company. Identifying and qualifying for relevant incentives is an important way to capitalize on the opportunities.

The specifics of which incentive programs bring the most value will depend on your business's locations, sectors, operations, and strategic goals. Engaging the online calculator will uncover customized tax-savings opportunities in seconds!

It can match your activities to available credits and incentives at all levels of government!!

Use it now at #tax #business #taxconsultant #taxes

Monday, February 19, 2024

Your Biggest Year!!

Maximizing income potential is something that every professional is after. Let’s be honest with ourselves. If we were satisfied with stagnant revenue, we’d get a job - that’d sure be easier (fewer hours, no nights, weekends, etc..) and carry a lot less risk. But we work these hours and accept the uncertainties associated with self-employment for the opportunity of unlimited income. 

However, I’m sure you’ve noticed that you’re working longer and harder than ever, only to make the same or, God forbid, less money year after year. This dynamic has been felt around the country and in virtually every professional market over the past decade, and worse yet …. it’s picking up steam. 

What’s the cause? There are many contributors, the full review of which is beyond the scope of this post, so let’s focus on three of the most impactful variables and how to overcome same.

1.) Dilution - more and more people are trying their hand in professional markets (moonlighting, dual licensing, etc.) leveraging ever more effective and far-reaching communication platforms resulting in a prolific solicitive assault on the consumer markets. Along with all the WHITE NOISE, this creates (which causes confusion and transaction hesitancy), it results in limited revenue being spread among more professionals. 

2.) Technology - the explosive nature and exponential growth of Technology in conjunction with ever more capable delivery systems (internet, 5g, cell phones with more processing power than supercomputers from just a few years ago, etc..) and mass adoption of the same have resulted in more attainable information, a more educated population and more self-help options than ever before in human existence. This dynamic drastically compounds the hazards of the market dilution mentioned above - when people can readily obtain information and have access to mechanisms allowing them to execute their needs about the same. They need fewer professional consultants, NOT MORE.

3.) Market Concentration - all of the above is focused on target markets and groups whose populations and economic strength are steeply declining. 
The key then to your biggest year ever is to:

  • Move away from the saturation (Dilution) and into far more fertile environments.
  • Find explosive Technology that marries well with your core competency rather than steals from it.
  • Focus on an underserved market that controls extreme economic strength and, if possible, make as much of that economic strength liquid (spendable).

Interestingly, this is precisely what Stryde specializes in. We focus on Main St. Businesses that, as a group, are an economic powerhouse (control $32 Trillion) but individually are too small for large entities in most markets to give any attention to while at the same time are too big for the average professional or entity to garner the ear of, resulting in an extreme level of under service (no competition - insanely fertile). Stryde, via its two decades of development and service, has developed the most comprehensive, market-disrupting, and proven software in any market which focuses on exploding the cash flow, mitigating the taxes, and slashing the operating expenses of these very entities - topics that are top of mind and aggressively sought out by every small business in America, thereby moving away from saturated markets and into an entire competition-free space, leveraging Technology that promotes and feeds other professional services and produces the capital needed to fund the payments necessary to buy your goods and services resulting in the biggest year of your career!

Have Your Biggest Year Ever

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Underpayment Recovery for Hospitals and other medical facilities in the US.

 Underpayment Recovery, you threw it in the trash, we're going to dig it out on our dime!!

We are not here to change anything your RCM people are doing, what we do we're going to do come in after everything they do. You bought software, great, keep your software. You have your teams, fantastic! I'm sure you love your team, if you didn't, you would have already replaced them. We are not here to replace either. You have a third party consultant, great, God bless you, keep your consultant. We are not here to change anything.

The reality is, all of these institutions are going to work their batches and as you know, it's called the revenue cycle and they are going to work it for a window of time, they all have their own protocol. Statistically speaking, 90% are going to work it, for say 90 days to 120 days. The remaining 10% are going to be, I don't know, something unique. That's fine, we've got that covered as well.

So, if you are going to work your revenue cycle for 90 days and I'm not going to change anything, when I come in, I'm going to come in on the 91st day and I don't want anything to do before then. In other words, when you worked, when you've gone through everything you can do, all your steps, all your processes, all your software, all your professionals, all your appeals, everything you're going to do and you say "okay, that's it, I've done what can, I'm going to walk away now because my attention needs to go to current items, current batches, current billing, current revenue cycle." That's when we enter.

Another way to look at it, is you threw it in the trash and I'm going to dig through your trash now to make sure that you didn't leave anything in there of value. That's exactly how you need to look at us! We're a stop loss, we're a quality control measure. So you work your batches for 90 days, I come in on day 91. By the way, I come in on my dollar, there is no front-end cost, there is no risk to your institution whatsoever, none whatsoever. Not one red cent, it's all on our dollar.

So we come in on the 91st day, we say "give us your files, I'm not going to go into your systems, I'm not altering your contracts, I'm not looking at anything. You're going to send me, through my secure link, you're going to send what's called your 835's, it's your billing paperwork. It's going to show me what you did, it's going to show me what you bill for and it's going to show me what you were paid. Now, I know you're thinking to yourself "well if it shows them all that, why can't we find it ourselves?" Because there's volumes of games that are played, there's way too much to dig through, they're way too buried, but there's no software outside of ours, and that's a real critical component, there's no software that looks explicitly for underpayments!

Now you may hear that there's other software out there, for example Cerner software, a great piece of software. Epic software, amazing piece of software. And I'm not being facetious or sarcastic when I say that, I mean it's great software. Is it better than us? Yep, it's better than us at all things we don't do. Is it as good as us at the thing we do? No, can't touch us and every medical institution in the country using us will tell you that. These other softwares are overly general, they're going to handle your revenue cycle, they're going to handle your contract management, your denials, they're going to do all of that stuff. That's fine!

Well, I'm going to ask you if I give you something that can go into any type of medical institution, no matter how small, no matter how large and can do all of these different things and even within all of these segments of medical, whether it's Primary Care, Urgent Care, Surgical Center, hospitals, whether it podiatry, optometry, whatever it is, I think you're kind of seeing where I'm going now, right now it's very general, right? It's amazingly powerful, but it's very general and anytime you do general work, what you're not doing is precision work and see, that's what we do, and so we're going to get all your 835s, we're going to get your payer contracts and we're going to load that into our proprietary software. Now what our software does, when I say  proprietary, I mean we built it from the ground up. It doesn't exist anywhere else, nobody built it for us, it's not white labeled. It is exclusive in the market space. Kind of our hallmark company when you look at us, as an institution there's nobody that does what we do. We've innovated market after market, we innovate how things are brought to market. We don't want to play on a level field.

We want to do what nobody else does in a way that nobody else can do and make life easier. So we upload all this stuff into our software and we run this, it only takes a brief window of time, we're going to have results inside of 48 hours, it's a really a quick turnaround for everybody we're working with. Now what this software does is it tells us where the hotspots are and what I mean when I say "hotspots," when we get enough data we're going to see errors in underpayments across the board in every form of billing code, every single one, but because we are a contingency based platform because we are doing all of on our dollar, we don't have the luxury to go after every single penny. We want to go and see where the bulk of the activity is, where the bulk of the underpayments are and that's exactly what our software tells us and believe it or not, no matter what institution we go into, we're going to see an aggregation of underpayments into a finite number of billing codes, there's certain patterns that develop, they show themselves and this tells us with further refinement, further laserlike focus where do we need to give our attention to, based on that information we now rebuild the software from the ground up, completely from the ground up!

What's that mean? Your contract, your contract terms, all of the minutia, all the is if this then that etc. that's in the contract, all of your actual medical procedures, all of your billing, all of your payments, in other words, completely custom software to your institution not applicable to the next hospital down the road, the Urgent Care Facility 200 feet away, the primary care practice whose primary doctors moonlight the hospital of surgery couldn't apply to any of them. It is just your software and it's just focusing on one area, the limited area we need to focus on, just looking for one thing.

Do you see why now I'm able to comfortably come in and talk to any medical institution and say "don't bail on your software, don't bail on your other professionals, we're not a threat to anybody." Let them do what they do, we're still going to come behind them and find what they can't find. That shouldn't be threatening, this is just another arrow in your quiver, that's who we are, that's what we do. Now, we go through and we run this software, right and in running the software we're able to identify where the problem areas are and then we go through and we perfect the process and we start getting your medical institution paid a little bit here and a little bit there to perfect our process and refine everything yet further. Part of our secret sauce is on the human side of things as well, it's not just that we have this amazing software unlike anything else in the industry. It's not enough that we go to the next level and we build custom software, after that, we go a step further and now, we the human, step in and we go after the payers we used to work for, the payers. In fact we won't hire anybody that hasn't worked in a management capacity, the very people that strategize and pull these games against the medical facilities. We talk about the dark side and the good side, we take them back from the dark side!

By the way, we get the revenue flowing inside of weeks and then inside of a couple of months we work to a settlement with these payers and we see piles and piles and piles of money drop into the pockets of the medical institutions further mitigating any concern, any risk they think they might have, all the money flows straight to them, not us.

And then it's done? Well, truly it's not done, the reality is these medical institutions recognize that because we solved the problem for this window of time we looked at, we usually look at about two years, but we'll go back as far as five. They know it's going to keep happening, so they re-engage us again and again and again and can turn into lifetime revenue for them and now whether they re-engage us in the form of leasing our software or in the process I just described, they want us to just keep redoing, that's immaterial. The point is it creates this opportunity for them again, and again and again!  

As an example, on a revenue of $100M, we expect to find 10-20% identified revenue. Let's go with 10%, that means for every million that they've been paid, we expect to find at least another $100,000, at 20% another $200,000. The actual mean is 22% which means $220,000 they're owed straight from the insurance companies. We're not going after the patients, there 1000's of people doing that. On this side, what we do, there are those that purport to do what we do but their success rates range from 0.5 t0 3.5%

Now on that $100M facility, which could be a rural hospital, a surgical center, anything, our average is $22 million that we're going to find per year, we're going to audit two years, three years, four years, five years. That number escalates and now we are going to go back when we seek settlement, we're going to go back with our aggregate number to the payer, to the insurer, the insurer is going to kick up a fight and say "well wait a minute this contract for example, most contracts say they can only audit them for a year, some say 2 years and a minimum percentage are open-ended meaning you can audit them forever. Let's say we look at the worst case scenario, we're giving them $22M or $44M if we go back two years, but the insurer says "no, no you can only go back one year" but their contract also has fines, sanctions, penalties and now with elections going on, the crippling nature of insurance, of medical expenses of drugs so on and so forth, both political parties are talking about it all of the time, so most insurers are willing to seek settlement on those extra years instead of being exposed to attack by politicians of both parties!!

Ready to start a conversation yet?

Email or text me and I'll get you to the top two people of our company.

Thank You,

Larry Potter
Senior Advisor
Text: 847-872-4047