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Friday, June 30, 2023

More healthcare surgical procedures are moving to the outpatient setting.

 Physicians often take surgical cases to hospitals, which drives up the overall cost of healthcare. By providing the surgeons an efficient, expedient service, they can better serve their patient populations and reduce the cost of healthcare industrywide. 

The interesting part about that is that hospitals typically get paid a lot more for the same surgeries than ambulatory surgery centers do, and because of that, the operating margin at a surgery center is usually a lot less.

Help is here now with Access Discount Healthcare Underpayment program.

This service is for Hospitals, Urgent Cares and Large Primary Care (minimum $2M annual in payer revenue with their top 3 payers)

Larry G. Potter

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A top challenge for the hospital industry.

 As healthcare has become digitized over the last five decades, a top challenge for the industry has been figuring out how to make patient data interoperable—i.e., making it possible to share patient information easily between different doctors and computer systems to improve care and reduce unnecessary spending.

The industry has made “huge progress” in the last decade, but, there are still tremendous inefficiencies when sharing information across the different facets of healthcare, making interoperability a very important topic along with underpayment to U.S. hospitals by their insurers!!

Just look at this example of savings for various size facilities here in the United States:

Larry Potter

Monday, June 26, 2023

Hospitals On A Roller Coaster Ride Down??

The healthcare industry has seen its fair share of upheaval in the last few years, with the Covid-19 pandemic prompting a push toward virtual care, an increase in unionization, and a greater emphasis on health equity.

Over the last three years, everybody’s world changed in healthcare and it’s safe to say the system is under a lot of pressure.

Help is here now with Access Discount Healthcare Underpayment program,

This service is for Hospitals, Urgent Cares and Large Primary Care (minimum $2M annual in payer revenue with their top 3 payers)

Sample from four of the 712 facilities that have signed up for this service. 

Email or message me at

Friday, June 23, 2023

The healthcare industry has seen its fair share of upheaval in the last few years!!


This is a time when health officials encourage men to live healthier lives. With the CDC estimating that 13% of adult men are in “fair or poor health,” this is another reminder to schedule that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off, cut back on alcohol, and get moving. And remember, health is not just physical: Don’t downplay your mental health or be afraid to ask for help.

The healthcare industry has seen its fair share of upheaval in the last few years, with the Covid-19 pandemic prompting a push toward virtual care, an increase in unionization, and a greater emphasis on health equity.

Over the last three years, everybody’s world changed in healthcare.

Some hospitals have weathered the transformation in healthcare while overseeing some of health system’s largest projects to date, while the key has been to embrace the change. 

So, Hospitals, Urgent Cares and/or Large Primary Cares (with a minimum $2M annual in payer revenue with their top 3 payers) are sitting on millions in underpayments that can be recovered via a call with us.

Larry Potter

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Access Discount Healthcare Underpayment

This service is for Hospitals, Urgent Cares and Large Primary Care (minimum $2M annual in payer revenue with their top 3 payers)

Sample from four of the 712 facilities that have already signed up for this service. 

Email or message me at

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

Hospitals have won the lottery!!!

I don’t know why this software and system (of all that are put in front of us) stood out to us the way it did, such that it just made sense to investigate it.  

I don’t know why the designer couldn’t align himself with a company that could take it to market.

I can’t believe that in testing it turned out to do even better than we were told.

I can’t believe that in the two years since acquisition, and making our own modifications and enhancements to the platform, that virtually EVERY approached hospital and medical facility has begged to become a client.  

I don’t know why the stars have aligned the way they have with this darn thing - but they have - over and over.  So, I’m done asking why, I’m giving thanks for yet again, more good fortune and I’m asking you to join us in this winning moment as we launch this explosive program Wed at 3pm 

Feel free to request the info or check back here late Wed

Larry G. Potter

Your Growth ​& Health Are​ Our Business
Tax Incentives | Expense Reduction | Retirement Plans | Corp. Financing | Smart Medical

Sometimes life smiles on us and when it does, we don’t always know why - "why us, why now, why" …. but we sure do recognize it when it does

Thursday, June 15, 2023

State of the Hospital Industry & Special Note!!

Readers know hospitals are suffering from constrained resources: people, money, and tech. 

This has created multilayered problems—from inflation raising supply costs to hospital workers leaving for startups.

Very soon, we will be launching a new service that can save hospitals and medical clinics millions of dollars, so keep checking back for this special launch!!

Larry G. Potter

Your Growth ​& Health Are​ Our Business
Tax Incentives | Expense Reduction | Retirement Plans | Corp. Financing | Smart Medical

We have been hinting at a special release coming for hospitals and medical facilities and it's coming shortly after 3pm Wednesday, June 21, 2023  Please keep checking back here!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bonus depreciation being reduced and by 2028, it will be gone! That's your money!!


Most owners must know that their investments have tax advantages that could eliminate tax burden. This is incredibly impactful right now because, in 2023, bonus depreciation has been reduced to 80%, and it will continue to be reduced year over year until 2028, when it will be eliminated. The longer an owner waits, the more they could lose out on.

We work directly with your CPA to ensure they know exactly how to submit your finalized tax credit claims. Not one challenge by the IRS in 20+ years.

There is no obligation to use this system. Determine what your tax advantage would be in seconds at

Monday, June 12, 2023

Patient outcomes and healthcare spending were almost identical between elderly hospitalized patients...


...regardless of whether physicians with a doctor of medicine (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree treated them, a new study found.

While DOs make up about 11% of physicians in the US, those medical professionals experience stigma because some assume they are “not considered real doctors” without an MD, KFF Health News reported.

The study analyzed more than 329,500 Medicare admissions, where 77% of patients were treated by an MD and 23% were treated by a DO. The patient mortality rate for MD physicians were 9.4%, compared to 9.5% for DO physicians; readmission rates were 15.7% and 15.6%, respectively; and the cost of care was respectively $1,004 versus $1,003, per the study. The length of hospital stay was 4.5 days for both groups.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Nonprofit Hospitals Offer Less Charity Care Despite Rising Profits

During the time between 2012 to 2019, profits increased from $43.01 million to $58.61 million for nonprofit hospitals, while charity care spending fell from $6.65 million to $6.36 million.

Hospitals use cash reserves to cover capital costs, offset unexpected shortfalls in reimbursement, and earn higher bond ratings. However, allocating more profits to cash reserves than to charity care raises concerns about the mission of nonprofit hospitals.

Unlike nonprofit hospitals, for-profit hospitals’ spending on charity care increased from $2.29 million to $6.30 million during this time. For-profit hospitals had a four-cent increase in charity care spending associated with each one-dollar increase in profit.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Does this mark the beginning of a nationwide trend for hospitals?

 A New Colorado law mandates hospitals increase financial transparency.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed a measure that will mandate hospitals provide additional financial information to the state, CPR News reported June 2.

Effective next July, hospitals will have to provide financial details about their acquisitions, plans for construction projects and details on how they move money around.

Sometimes just by shining a light on what's going on with these practices, there's a public pressure created that will make hospitals voluntarily do better in cases where they're not," Rep. Chris deGruy Kennedy, a sponsor of the bill, told CPR News.

As mentioned before, something is brewing that could mean millions for hospitals very soon and we will be making it available to your hospital very shortly.

While waiting for this release, take a moment to use the "sliders" to answer 3 simple questions and then activate them. As a hospital, we will automatically inform you of all of the details as we prepare to launch once you have registered with us, no need to keep checking back here!!!

Larry G. Potter

Your Growth ​& Health Are​ Our Business
Tax Incentives | Expense Reduction | Retirement Plans | Corp. Financing | Smart Medical

Saturday, June 3, 2023

High expenses have been placing added strain on hospitals as they try to recover from the challenges of the pandemic.


Hospital finances broke even in April amid a continuing trend of high expenses, plus the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement of the COVID-19 public health emergency

Hospitals experienced increases in bad debt and charity care in April. Combined with decreased patient volumes, authors said the data could illustrate the effects of the start of widespread disenrollment from Medicaid following the end of the PHE and the continuous enrollment provision that accompanied it.

As states continue the process of redetermination, these trends will likely continue.